Can you feel that chill in the air? Have you found yourself eyeing your sweater collection longingly? Can you smell that wisp of pumpkin spice drifting by? These are all telltale signs that fall is just around the corner. Luckily, the Blue Apron Test Kitchen chefs are here to get you excited about fall cooking. These are their predictions for fall food trends in 2020.

Get Ready for a Lasagna Reboot

Lasagna with bechamel sauce

When the cold weather sets in I always crave simple, rustic dishes that remind me of childhood. To me, nothing says comfort like lasagna. Even though this baked pasta is a true classic, this year I’m excited for creative and kooky spins on my favorite fall dish.

Jessica Halper

Revisit Retro Cocktails  

Classic and creative cocktails

Bars are still closed, but the appetite for cocktails is strong. This fall, I expect to see everyone shaking up retro cocktails like White Russians, Negronis, 7&7s, stiff Martinis. Not only are these tried-and-true favorites, they’re also easy to make at home. Many have three ingredients or even fewer.

Claire King

Go DIY with Canning and Pickling 

With stay-at-home orders in place, there was a huge uptick in CSA subscriptions last spring. As we head into fall, the only struggle will be figuring out how to use up all that beautiful produce before it goes bad. That makes pickling, fermenting, & canning the perfect fall projects.

Preserving produce now is a great way to save on prep time later on, and––if pickling––to add super dynamic, fermented flavor to home-cooked dishes.

Emily Ziemski

Treat Your Best Friend to Homemade Dog Treats  

Along with CSAs, dog adoptions saw a big increase last spring. Now that everyone has gotten to know their new pet, fall will be the perfect time to dive into treats. Luckily, fall flavors are a perfect base for homemade dog treats; pups love pumpkin, sweet potato and apple. 

Sarah Comerford

Soup for You! 

As the weather cools and parents have to juggle homeschooling with their own work, soup is going to be the lunch of choice. People will be looking for fast, filling and healthy soups that they can make in big batches and reheat in just a matter of seconds. Everyone will fall in love with the variety of flavors and cuisines they can explore without ever sacrificing the convenience of an easy to reheat lunch.

John Adler

Cozy Up with Pantry Comfort Food 

This fall comfort is “in” more than ever. If you went overboard stocking your cabinet with non-perishables last spring, fall is the perfect time to use up all those canned beans. My prediction is that these trusty ingredients will appear on fall menus as one-pot dinners, slow-cooker meals, soups, stews, dips, and more. 

Ashley Giddens

It’s Time High Time for Pie 

fall food trends pie

Sourdough is so March/April, and we’ve already had our summer fun. When fall hits and the apples come around, we’ll turn on our ovens and pie season will be upon us. I’m excited for flaky crusts, hand pies, and even savory chicken pot pies. We’re all in need of some comfort, and that means pies will reign supreme this fall.
— Tim Kemp